What Sets Waller Financial Group Apart
An Introduction to Waller Financial

Additional Videos
The Christmas Hot Seat - Sandy Vidosh
The final round of the Christmas hot seat ends with Sandy. Sandy has been with our firm for 13 years and shared some special memories over the years.
The Christmas Hot Seat - Kathy Kincaid
This year, we put our staff in the Christmas hot seat. Kathy Kincaid discusses a few of her favorite memories.
The Christmas Hot Seat - Jason Eliason
The Christmas hot seat continues! Watch Jason Eliason answer a few fun questions about the holiday.
The Christmas Hot Seat - Chris Olsgard
Now it's Chris' turn to be in the Christmas hot seat! Jason Farris asks some fun questions before we wrap up the year.
The Christmas Hot Seat - Jason Farris
Jason Farris is in the Christmas hot seat. Chris Olsgard asks a few questions about holiday traditions before we wrap up the year
Counting our thanks - Part 3
Thanksgiving is around the corner and the year is quickly coming to an end. Kristen and Jason discuss what they were thankful for this year.
Counting our thanks - Part 2
It's time for us to reflect on our good fortunes. Two of our partners discuss what really made an impact on them this year. Stay tuned, because Chris makes a BIG announcement that's happening in 2020 at the end of the video!
Counting our thanks - Part 1
It's that time of the year to count our blessings and appreciate our good fortune. Sandy and Kathy discussed what they are most grateful for this past year and what they are looking forward to in 2020.
Make a Difference Day at the Furniture Bank
Our team of staff and clients volunteered at the Furniture Bank of Central Ohio. We built 20 side tables and 7 bed frames for families in need.
2019 Q3 Quarter Report
Curious how the markets did last quarter? Our chief investment officer discusses interest rate cuts, the S&P 500, and the inversion of the yield curve.
2019 Q2 Quarter Report
Despite the large swings, quarter 2 ended on a positive note. Jason Eliason discusses what we are monitoring, and why there is no magical crystal ball when predicting the markets.
2019 Q1 Quarter Report
During the fourth quarter, fear and uncertainty prevailed; we witnessed a volatile decline in asset values causing 2018 to go down as the worst performing year for stock investing since 2008. Quarter 1 was the polar opposite.
Jason Farris welcomes new baby
Congrats to the Farris family on their new addition! Jason talks about what it has been like having a second child around the Farris household.
A Year with Staff: Part 2
2018 had a lot of highs and lows but we got through it together! Jason Eliason, Jason Farris and Emily talk about what they enjoyed this year and what they are looking forward to in 2019.
A Year with Staff: Part 1
2018 was a great year! Chris, Sandy, and Kathy talk about what they enjoyed this year and what they are looking forward to in 2019.
2018 Q3 Commentary
The third quarter recently ended and our chief investment officer offers some insight on how the markets reacted.
Investing is a great way to maximize your assets. Without a clearly defined strategy, you are bound to make emotional and irrational decisions. For financial planning month, we want to provide you with some great resources on creating a strategy that works for you.
Estate Planning Week
Getting your estate plan together shouldn’t be done lightly. It requires time, patience and a lot of thought. Having your estate plan together ensures that your wishes are met in the case of injury or death. This week, we have compiled some of our best estate-planning articles to keep you informed.
Property Management
Happy Financial Planning Month! This week, we are focusing on property management. Chris talks about a few of the resources we have available to keep you informed
The Value of Financial Planning
We are beyond excited that October is Financial Planning Month! We have a great series of videos and blogs. Each week we have a new topic hosted by our partners. It’s going to be a fun month! This week Jason Farris is discussing the value of financial planning.
5 Questions To Ask Yourself When Interviewing An Advisor
For many of us, interviewing and hiring someone is not a common occurrence and it can be overwhelming. Finding the right financial advisor for your specific needs may require interviewing several people. Before you get started Jason Farris outlines 5 important questions you should ask BEFORE meeting with an advisor.
Alphabet Soup – What Do All Those Letters Really Mean?
Have you noticed all those letters behind your advisor’s name? Knowing what the designations mean can help you better understand your advisor’s education background and skill set. Charlie Kerwood goes over some of the common designations you may see.
Reclaiming Charitable Deductions
For people who are charitably inclined, Jason Farris discusses why it would be beneficial to bundle charitable contributions when tax time comes around
2018 Q2 Investment Report
Last quarter the markets rebounded from quarter 1. Our chief investment officer provides insight on geopolitical issues, the economy and interest rate increases
Happy 529 Week!
Happy 529 day! This week we are celebrating all-things related to Section 529 Plans! Our partners and staff have written extensively about this topic. Jason Farris explains which articles you may find useful, and where to find them.
What are Section 529 Plans?
How much do you know about 529 plans? Jason Farris gives specific details about what 529 plans generally hold across all states.
Think Like A Financial Advisor: The Periodic Table of Investment Returns
While there are various iterations of the table, it is intended to show the importance of diversification across asset classes. Jason Farris explains why it’s important to review the chart every year.
Stuff You Should Know: Property Taxes
Chris Olsgard recently wrote about property taxes in Ohio. In this video, Chris answers a few follow-up questions.
2018 Q1 Investment Report
Last quarter the markets were volatile and negative. There were several reasons behind these swings. Our chief investment officer provides insight on key points, which contributed to the market’s volatility.
What you need to know about 2018 Roth IRA conversions
You may not have noticed, but buried in the footnotes of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Conference Report was a boring, but important explanation about Roth IRA conversions. Jason Farris breaks down the facts and explains what you need to know.
Kristen Rhine, Brand Manager
Meet Kristen, our Brand Manager. She has been with our firm for three years now. In this video, Kristen talks about her job responsibilities and one of her most awkward moments in the office.
Make a Difference Day
Our staff and clients volunteered at The Breathing Association for Make a Difference Day. Here is what we accomplished.
Estate Planning 101
Have you started your estate plan yet? Charlie Kerwood goes over a few tips on what to include in your plan, so you can get your ducks in a row.
What Is Your Favorite Holiday Tradition?
Happy holidays from Waller Financial. As we end the year, our staff talk about one of their favorite holiday traditions with the family.
What Made 2017 A Great Year: Part 2
As we wrap up the year, our staff talks about a favorite memory of 2017.
What Made 2017 A Great Year: Part 1
What did you enjoy about 2017? As we wrap up the year, our staff talks about what they enjoyed about 2017.
Thanksgiving Traditions Part 2
It’s Thanksgiving week, which means it’s time to prep for the big meal. While we count our blessings, we discuss our favorite traditions with the family.
Thanksgiving Traditions Part 1
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving tradition? Our staff members talk about their family tradition. Stay tuned, there is second part to this edition coming soon!
Our favorite Thanksgiving food
Thanksgiving is around the corner and we are already dreaming about the food. Here is what we look forward to every year.
Emily Destefani, Financial Services Assistant
Have you met Emily? She is our Financial Services Assistant. In this short video, explains her position and what she enjoys doing in her free time.
Scott Rendle CFP®, Senior Planner - Part 2
Did you know that Scott has been with our firm for 17 years and he didn’t originally plan to major in finance?
Scott Rendle, CFP®, Senior Advisor
Meet Scott Rendle, CFP®. He is our Senior Advisor and has been with our firm for 17 years. Scott describes his work responsibilities and what he is looking forward to in retirement.
Meet the Staff Bloopers
You know those Meet the Staff videos you keep seeing every month? While we looked cool and collected in the videos, there were a few funny blooper moments that were cut out. It’s safe to say our staff members are more comfortable doing finances behind the scenes.
Mary Sue Pichert, Financial Services Asst.
This month we are featuring Mary Sue Pichert. In this short video she explains why she has volunteered at the St. Michael Church for over 15 years.
Mary Sue Pichert, Financial Services Asst.
Have you met Mary Sue, yet? She explains her position and why it’s important for our clients.
Ben Botbyl, Information Systems Coordinator
This month we are highlighting Ben, our Information Systems Coordinator. Watch this short video on how his dad and grandpa led him into the finance industry.
Ben Botbyl, Information Systems Coordinator
Meet Ben, he is our Information Systems Coordinator, a position most do not understand. He explains his position and why it’s important for clients and Waller Financial. (And wait till the end when he talks about family – it’s rather heartwarming.)
Make a Difference Day at Dress for Success
Our staff and clients recently volunteered at Dress for Success Columbus. Here is what we accomplished, and why the cause is so important for our community:
Sandy Vidosh, Executive Assistant
She has been on our team since 2006. In this short video, she talks about why family is so important to her:
Kathy Kincaid, Senior Planner
Kathy has been with our firm for 15 years. Watch the short video to learn more about her.
Make a Difference day at Furniture with a Heart
We joined Furniture with a Heart for our Make a Difference day. Our clients and friends organized donation items and built furniture.
Make a Difference day at Mid-Ohio Foodbank
We volunteered at the Mid-Ohio Foodbank for our Make a Difference day. Here is what our clients and staff accomplished.
Custodian Change – Part 2
After clients received their TD Ameritrade packets in the mail, a few started asking great questions that were not addressed in the first video. Jason Farris answers 5 common questions we have received.
Custodian Change – TD Ameritrade
2016 is an exciting year for our firm. We are changing custodians to TD Ameritrade Institutional. Our Partners, Jason Eliason and Jason Farris, answer a few questions our clients may have about the transition.
Make a Difference Day at Ronald McDonald
Make a Difference days are much more than just volunteering. Find out why they are important to us, and how we made a difference at the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio.
2015 Odysseus Award – Clyde Gosnell
We are proud to present the 2015 Odysseus Award to Clyde Gosnell for his philanthropic contributions to the community.
Waller Financial’s 30th Anniversary
It has been our pleasure serving the community over the years. We appreciate everyone who has been a part of our firm over the last 3 decades. We hope the next 30 years are as fulfilling as the last.
2014 Odysseus Award – Robert and Shirley Carpenter
Presenting the 2014 Odysseus Award. We honored Robert and Shirley Carpenter for their tremendous philanthropic work throughout the community and their heart-warming selflessness.